September 3, 2024

Young Hero with a Heart of Gold: 11-Year-Old Krishh Haran Uses Pocket Money to Aid the Homeless

KUALA LUMPUR – While most kids his age are busy playing, 11-year-old Krishh Haran Nair is on a mission to help the homeless using his own pocket money.

With the unwavering support of his parents, Ramakrishnan Nair and Jayanthimarlin, Krishh spends his weekends in Johor Bahru, distributing food to the homeless.

In an interview with MalayaDailyToday, Krishh shared his motivation: “I can’t imagine the hardships they endure living on the streets.

“Seeing them makes me realize how fortunate I am.”

Krishh, a student at Sunway International Iskandar Johor, saves his weekly RM20 allowance and any extra earnings from chores to buy food for those in need.

He plans to continue his charitable work indefinitely, grateful for the support from his parents.

“Without them, none of this would be possible,” he added.

Krishh first garnered attention as the youngest record-holder for the highest charity sales in the Malaysia Book of Records.

He raised RM7,000 from his first book, The Mysterious War to the Deep, and RM21,000 from his second, Pillar And The Golden Sword, donating 500 boxes of essentials to Yayasan Sinar Ilmu Jaya (YSIJ).

His efforts even caught the eye of Sultan Johor, who sent Datuk David Wong to meet Krishh’s family. -MalayaDailyToday

Photo: Krishh Haran’s Personal Collection

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