September 5, 2024

HR Minister commends HRD Corp for record breaking year at 22nd AGM

KUALA LUMPUR – Minister of Human Resources Tuan V. Sivakumar commended HRD Corp for its record-breaking year during its 22nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at the Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur today. The Minister was on hand to officiate the proceedings.
During the financial year ending December 2022, HRD Corp recorded its best performing year to date, recording RM1.809 billion in levy, more than doubling its collection from 2021, recorded over 1.497 million in training places, a 164% increase from the previous year, and continued to increase the number of employers registered with HRD Corp to 81,706, a remarkable increase of 21.72% from the previous year, covering over 4.383 million employees.

Just two years ago, HRD Corp only had 33,300 registered employers.  
Speaking at the official launch ceremony, V. Sivakumar said, “I was also informed that 2022 was a record-breaking year for HRD Corp where it exceeded all previous milestones since its inception in 1993.

“Congratulations, HRD Corp! I am proud of your success, and I believe you will continue to play a pivotal role in driving Malaysia’s human capital excellence for decades to come.”

The Minister added, “Our Malaysian workforce and talents are our most important asset in driving the country’s economic recovery efforts.

“Therefore, we must continue to drive innovative human capital development initiatives and formulate attractive labour laws.

“These are the cornerstones of unlocking the potential of our workforce.”
According Sivakumar, the Ministry of Human Resources has strived to create a robust working environment that nurtures and protects every worker in Malaysia.

This included amending the Employment Act 1955 (Act 265) to provide flexible working arrangements, reduced working hours and increased maternity leave.

The amendment also led to the introduction of the RM1,500 minimum wage that has helped over 2.15 million Malaysians earn a dignified salary, raising them above the line of poverty.
The AGM was also attended by Datuk Rajasekharan Ramasamy, Chairman of HRD Corp, Datuk Shahul Dawood, Chief Executive of HRD Corp, the Board of Directors, HRD Corp members, and the Senior Leadership Committee of HRD Corp.

During the AGM, HRD Corp members provided feedback and suggestions on how to improve HRD Corp’s performance further and what HRD Corp could do to strengthen the local training and development landscape.
As the AGM and financial year coincided with HRD Corp’s 30th Anniversary, Datuk Shahul Dawood also presented highlights of HRD Corp’s journey for the past three decades, its digital transformation, its initiatives and its key priorities in the coming year.
During the AGM, HRD Corp also pledged to build on its record-breaking achievements for 2022 and continue forging closer ties with all parties to elevate the local human capital development in Malaysia.
To read the HRD Corp Annual Report 2022, please visit -MalayaDailyToday

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