September 4, 2024

Sabah minister never showed up for key MM2H meetings – Tiong King Sing

KUALA LUMPUR – Tourism Arts and Culture Minister, Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing has taken aim at Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister, Christina Liew over her criticisms of the handing of Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme.

He said in a Facebook post that when the MM2H programme was a hot topic, he should clarify that despite several invitations, Liew did not turn up to discuss the application of MM2H in Sabah.

“Not only did the Minister not attend the meetings, she did not even delegate a single representative to the table to understand the situation. This is disappointing, to say the least.

“In fact, upon some basic checks, since assuming her ministerial post, Liew has rarely attended meetings convened by the federal Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry,” said King Sing.

He claimed that Liew’s criticisms of the policy implementation stemmed from her refusal to attend the meetings so that she could understand the programme details related to agent registration.

Earlier, Liew said Sabah was determined to go ahead with its own state MM2H programme and said there was no contradiction with national policy after Putrajaya suspended the operations of all licensed agents handling it.

“It will not contravene laws. We met with immigration, police, and all relevant authorities and we are ready. My programme is being delayed unnecessarily and we will lose out to other countries around Southeast Asia who are very interested,” she said. -MalayaDailyToday

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