September 5, 2024

Tan Sri Anifah Aman at KL Conference 2023, CESDAsia

Speech by Tan Sri Anifah Aman at the KL Conference 2023, organised by the Center for Economic and Sustainable Development (CESDAsia) and the Global Dialogue Forum.

Thank you for the opportunity to deliver this keynote address. I stand before you today with immense pride and gratitude as we gather here at the KL Conference 2023, organised by the Center for Economic and Sustainable Development (CESDAsia) and the Global Dialogue Forum. This esteemed gathering represents a powerful collective effort to shape an Asian Common Market of Shared Prosperity—a future that holds immense promise for our region and beyond.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
2) The theme of our conference, “Building an Asian Common Market of Shared Prosperity,” encapsulates our aspirations and our commitment to fostering economic growth, cooperation, and inclusivity. It is a call to action for us to put in place the building blocks for a shared Asian future—one that unlocks the potential of our diverse nations and peoples.
3) First, we must recognise that our strength lies in unity and collaboration. Asia, with its rich history, vibrant cultures, and thriving economies, has the potential to be a beacon of progress for the world. By harnessing our collective power, we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead and build a future defined by economic prosperity and shared success.
4) We must foster an ecosystem that encourages innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment. We must invest in education and skills development to equip our youth with the tools they need to thrive in the digital age. By nurturing a culture of innovation and creativity, we can unleash the full potential of our economies and create sustainable employment opportunities for our people.

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
5) Another crucial step towards realising this vision is the promotion of bilateral trade and investment in domestic currencies within the Asian market and beyond. By reducing reliance on Western currencies and embracing our own, we can foster greater economic stability, encourage cross-border transactions, and unlock the full potential of intra-Asian trade. This will not only strengthen our regional economies but also enhance our global standing and influence.
6) We should foster financial cooperation and establish mechanisms that facilitate seamless transactions using our own currencies. This will reduce reliance on external factors and enhance our economic sovereignty, promoting stability and prosperity within the region.
7) Moreover, as we advance towards a shared Asian future, it is our responsibility to protect the developing world from the dictates of the existing world order on climate change and other environmental concerns. The Global South has long borne the brunt of environmental degradation caused by the historical actions of more industrialised nations. It is imperative that we advocate for fair and equitable solutions that acknowledge the unique circumstances and vulnerabilities faced by developing nations. By doing so, we can champion sustainability, protect our ecosystems, and ensure that the benefits of economic growth are enjoyed by all.
8) We must adopt a comprehensive and inclusive approach. By promoting sustainable development practices, renewable energy sources, and responsible consumption patterns, we can mitigate the impact of climate change while ensuring that no nation or community is left behind. We must prioritise capacity-building and technology transfer to empower developing countries to tackle environmental challenges effectively.
9) In our pursuit of a reformed world order, we must also champion the interests of the Global South, amplifying their voices and promoting their shared values and traditions. We must challenge the existing power dynamics and work towards a more inclusive and equitable global governance system. By fostering dialogue, cooperation, and mutual understanding, we can shape a world order that reflects the aspirations and priorities of all nations, transcending geographical boundaries.
10) We should actively engage in international forums, advocating for fair representation and meaningful participation of developing nations. By amplifying our collective voice, we can shape global policies that promote justice, equality, and shared values. It is through solidarity and collaboration that we can create a more just and inclusive world order that respects the diversity and aspirations of all nations.
Distinguised Guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
11) The path ahead may be challenging, but our determination and shared vision will guide us. As we navigate the complexities of the global landscape, let us remember that our strength lies in our diversity, our collective wisdom, and our commitment to shared prosperity.
12) In conclusion, the KL Conference 2023 marks a pivotal moment in our journey towards building an Asian Common Market of Shared Prosperity. Let us seize this opportunity to forge new partnerships, deepen existing ties, and develop strategies that empower our nations and peoples. Together, we can create a future where economic growth is inclusive, where the interests of the Global South are championed, and where sustainability is at the heart of our endeavours.
13) Thank you, and may our collective efforts lead us towards a future of shared prosperity in Asia and beyond. -MalayaDailyToday

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